Asbestos Management Compliance: What Queensland Businesses Need to Know

Asbestos was once a leading building material. It was a top choice of materials due to its durability and heat resistance. However, it is now known for its dangerous health effects which have led to stringent regulations. Regulations such as asbestos management compliance, which is aimed to reduce health risks.

If your business is within a building constructed before 1990, you need to be aware of the audits that have been implemented since August 1, 2024. Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) inspectors will be conducting a thorough audit of businesses like yours to ensure compliance with asbestos management regulations. This statewide initiative, part of a large effort to eliminate asbestos-related diseases, will run until October 31, 2024.  The inspectors will look to identify the presence of any asbestos in your workplace.

Are you prepared to meet these new requirements and protect your workforce from potential asbestos exposure? Read on to understand what this means for your business and how QBM can help you navigate this essential compliance process.

Upcoming Asbestos Compliance Audits: What You Need to Know

Starting August 1, 2024, Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) inspectors began a thorough audit of businesses operating from buildings constructed before 1990. This audit, which will run until October 31, 2024, aims to ensure business owners are complying with asbestos regulations. The primary focus is on the requirement of asbestos registers and management plans.

If the building that holds your business was built before 1990, it’s crucial to have an asbestos register and management plan in place. This audit is part of the National Strategic Plan for Asbestos Awareness and Management 2019-2023 and the Statewide Strategic Plan for the Safe Management of Asbestos in Queensland 2022-2025. The goal is to eliminate asbestos-related diseases in Australia by preventing exposure to asbestos fibres through effective management and disposal.

The Importance of Asbestos Registers and Management Plans

An asbestos register is a thorough document that identifies and details the location and condition of asbestos-containing materials within a building. It is crucial for managing the risks associated with asbestos and ensuring that everyone in the building is aware of potential hazards.

An asbestos management plan, on the other hand, outlines the procedures for handling, monitoring, and removing asbestos in accordance with legal requirements.

Both documents are essential components of your business’s safety management system. They help to:

  1. Identify Asbestos Risks: The register provides a clear map of where asbestos is located on the premises, allowing you to assess the risks associated.
  2. Ensure Compliance: A management plan outlines the steps you need to take to comply with asbestos regulations, including regular inspections and maintenance.
  3. Protect Workers and the Community: Proper asbestos management minimizes the risk of exposure to protect the health of employees, clients, as well as the general public.

What Happens During the Audit?

WHSQ inspectors will review your asbestos register and management plan to ensure they meet the required standards. They will check to ensure:

  • An accurate and up-to-date asbestos register is active and maintained.
  • An effective asbestos management plan is in place and being followed.
  • Compliance with relevant workplace health and safety codes of practice.

If your business is found to be non-compliant, this can lead to significant consequences. As a result, inspectors can issue statutory notices, impose on-the-spot fines, and take enforcement actions if necessary. Last year’s audit campaign resulted in 103 improvement notices and 10 infringement notices. These results highlight the need to be prepared.

Steps to Ensure Compliance

To navigate asbestos management compliance successfully, follow these steps:

  1. Review Your Asbestos Register: Ensure that it is current and accurately reflects the asbestos-containing materials present in your premises.
  2. Update Your Management Plan: Verify that your plan is comprehensive and includes procedures for managing and removing asbestos. Make sure it complies with the latest regulations and best practices.
  3. Conduct Regular Inspections: Regular inspections and maintenance are essential for managing asbestos risks effectively. Schedule these according to your management plan.
  4. Educate Your Staff: Ensure that all of your employees are aware of the asbestos management plan and know how to work safely around asbestos-containing materials.
  5. Seek Professional Help: If you are unsure about the compliance status of your asbestos management practices, consider consulting with experts. This is where QBM can offer valuable assistance.

How QBM Can Help

At QBM, we specialize in asbestos management compliance and can help your business navigate the waters of regulatory requirements. Our services include:

  • Asbestos Register and Management Plan Development: We can help to create and update your asbestos register and management plan to ensure they meet the legal standards.
  • Compliance Audits: Our team can conduct thorough audits of your asbestos management practices to identify any gaps and provide recommendations for improvement.
  • Training and Education: We offer training programs to educate your staff on asbestos management practices and safety protocols.
  • Ongoing Support: From regular inspections to emergency response plans, QBM provides ongoing support to help you maintain compliance and manage asbestos risks effectively.

By working with us at QBM, you can rest assured that your business is fully prepared for the asbestos audits. Furthermore, our asbestos services and expertise will not only help you avoid penalties but will also create a safer working environment for everyone involved.

Asbestos management compliance is a critical issue for businesses operating in Queensland, especially those in buildings constructed before 1990. With Workplace Health and Safety Queensland conducting audits from August to October 2024, now is the time to review your asbestos registers and management plans. By taking proactive steps and seeking professional assistance from experts like QBM, you can navigate the compliance process smoothly. Additionally, you will safeguard the health and safety of your employees and the community.

For more information on how we can help with your asbestos management compliance, contact us today. Ensure your business is ready for the audit and stay ahead of regulatory requirements with our expert support.